
  • The ADCOM (i.e. Administrative Committee) of Z136 SDC shall consist of the Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, past Chair, Committee Secretary, the administrative secretary, a representative of the Secretariat, and one or more members-at-large from the Committee. The ADCOM shall be responsible for the following: (a) Organizing the Committee (b) Developing Committee policies and procedures (c) Overseeing the Committee's compliance with these procedures (d) Appointing Subcommittee Chairs, subject to confirmation by the Committee (e) Reviewing Subcommittee Project Initiation Requests (Appendix A) (f) Reviewing responses to requests for bona fide interpretations prior to distribution back to the requestor (g) Reviewing all applications for Committee membership (h) Recommending action by the Committee on applications for new members (i) Recommending removal of members of the Committee for inactivity or other reasons subject to review by the Committee (j) Interacting with ANSI on general matters such as publication, and policy and procedure

  • The Z136 Standards Committee (Z136 SDC) for the Safe Use of Lasers is the consensus body for Z136 standards. Members of the Z136 Standards Committee represent stakeholders in various interest categories and choose to join 'Consensus Body Balloting Groups' that vote on the approval/disapproval of each Z136 standard. Membership in the Z136 Standards Committee is independent from membership in the Z136 subcommittees. While membership in a subcommittee is at the discretion of a subcommittee chair, membership in the Z136 Standards Committee requires a letter of application in addition to a CV, recommendation by the Z136 Administrative Committee (AdCom), and a majority vote of the members of the Z136 Standards Committee.

    The scope of the Committee is to protect against hazards associated with the use of lasers.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.1) Develop a standard that provides guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems by defining laser hazard classes, control measures, requirements for a laser safety program, discussion of medical surveillance, defining important considerations of non-beam hazards. Some technical information on measurements, calculations and biological effects is provided within the standard and its appendices.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.2) Develop standards that provide guidance for the safe use of LED and laser fiber optic and free-space systems that are specifically designed for use in telecommunications applications.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.3) Develop a standard that provides guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in human subjects.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.4) Develop a recommended practice that provides guidance for making measurements which are required for hazard assessment according to the Z136 series of standards.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.5) Develop a standard that provides guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in the educational environment, specifically elementary through high schools, and institutions of higher education.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.6) Develop a standard that provides guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in the outdoors, where the establishment of open beam paths is necessitated.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.7) Develop a standard or recommended procedure that provides guidance for the evaluation of laser protective materials.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.8) This standard provides recommendations for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in research, development and testing that operate at wavelengths between 0.18 micron and 1 millimeter.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.9) This standard provides recommendations for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in manufacturing that operate at wavelengths between 0.18 micron and 1 millimeter.

  • (Standards Subcommittee for Z136.10) This standard provides recommendations for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in entertainment, display and exhibitions that operate at wavelengths between 0.18 micron and 1 millimeter.

  • (Technical Subcommittee: Bioeffects) Coordinate communication of technical information related to parameter dependence of eye or skin damage with standard subcommittees, assuring up-to-date maximum permissible exposures are established based on the most current scientific research. Respond to technical inquiries regarding the bioeffects of lasers. Determine the appropriate protocols required for sufficient medical surveillance for laser standards.

  • (Technical Subcommittee: Hazard Evaluation) Coordinate communication of technical information on hazard evaluation based on the most current data. Define laser classification scheme and protocol for classification for Z136 standards. Respond to technical inquiries regarding the hazard evaluation of lasers.

  • (Technical Subcommittee: Control Measures, Training, Laser Safety Programs) Coordinate communication on control measures, training and laser safety programs.

    For the Z136.1 horizontal standard: Define required and recommended control measures and training. Define a laser safety program’s required and recommended provisions, including responsibilities for LSOs, laser workers and laser supervisors.

    For each Z136 vertical standard: Advise the SSC on required and recommended control measures and training. Advise the SSC on a laser safety program’s required and recommended provisions, including responsibilities for LSOs, laser workers and laser supervisors.

    Respond to inquiries regarding control measures, training and laser safety programs.

  • (Technical Subcommittee: Non-Beam Hazards) Coordinate communication of technical information on existence and hazards of non-beam hazards associated with laser use based on the most current data. Define non-beam hazard evaluation for Z136 standards. Respond to technical inquiries regarding non-beam hazards.

  • (Technical Subcommittee: Hazard Analysis Applications Examples) Provide adequate and accurate examples of applying hazard analysis methods from the Z136 series to applications of lasers and laser systems.

  • The EWG is responsible for reviewing drafts for consistency, style and use of terminology. This responsibility applies to Subcommittee Draft for Vote (SCDV), Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) as well as galley proofs for all standards developed by the Committee.

  • The PWG is responsible for reviewing the Procedures and drafting proposed modifications as needed to effect improvements toward the process and rules associated with the production of consensus standards related to the work of the Committee. Proposed modifications to the Procedures would be discussed and would need to be within the allowances of the ANSI Essential Requirements. Proposed modifications would be provided to the ADCOM for review and consideration for future updates of the Procedures.