Get Involved

The Z136 series of laser safety standards are developed under a process that meets the American National Standards Institute's essential requirements for due process. This process ensures that stakeholders are engaged in the development process that strives for a balance of interests and is characterized by a lack of dominance. There are several ways for stakeholders to get involved in the development of the Z136 American National Standards and Recommended Practices. 

Ways to Participate in Z136 Standards Development

Public Commenting Periods
At several points in the development process, Z136 draft standards become available for public comment periods, during which, members of the public may submit written comments for consideration, although they do not count as a vote. Public commenting periods are announced in the ANSI Standards Action Newsletter and on this website.  For more information, see Section 8.2 of the Procedures for the Development of Z136 Standards and sections 2.5 & 2.6 of the ANSI Essential Requirements.

Membership on the Consensus Body
The members of Z136 SDC represent the consensus body for Z136 standards. Members who are eligible to vote may join consensus body balloting groups to approve/disapprove specific Z136 draft standards. Membership on the Committee follows a process outlined in section 5 of the Procedures for the Development of Z136 Standards and is independent of subcommittee membership. Members may be individuals (representing themselves) or organizational (representing the interests of an organization). All Z136 subcommittee chairs must be members of Z136 SDC.

To apply, complete the online form and attach a copy of your resume/CV and a letter of application. A request for membership on the Committee shall be addressed to the Secretariat, shall indicate the applicant’s direct and material interest in the Committee’s work, interest category the member will represent (see 5.3.4 Interest Categories), qualifications and willingness to participate actively. Further, the request shall include the applicant’s affiliation (e.g., employer or as a representative to a society or trade organization) if the applicant owes allegiance to, or represents that organization. If the applicant is representing an organization, an alternate representative (subject to confirmation by the Committee) may be identified by that organization. To apply as an organizational representative, your letter of application should be signed by someone at the organization with the authority to appoint you as primary or alternate representative. Once all application materials are received, the secretariat (LIA) will distribute the application to the Administrative Committee (ADCOM) for review and recommendation. If the ADCOM recommends an applicant for membership, they will be placed on the next membership ballot to be approved/disapproved by a majority vote of the current Z136 SDC members. This process may take several months depending on the year's balloting schedule. 

If you already have an account on, you can apply through you Dashboard by visiting the 'Committee Memberships' tab and clicking the 'Apply to Another Committee' button.

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Membership in Z136 Subcommittees & Working Groups
Several types of subcommittees are utilized to accomplish the work of Z136 standards development; membership on subcommittees is independent of membership on the Z136 SDC and is at the discretion of each subcommittee chair. Each Standards Subcommittee (SSC) is responsible for developing draft content for specific Z136 standards and recommended practices. Each technical subcommittee (TSC) is comprised of individuals whose expertise overlaps the scope of one or more of the standards subcommittees. The Editorial Working Group (EWG) reviews drafts for consistency, style and consistent use of terminology. To apply, complete the online application and upload a copy of your resume or CV. Review may take up to 30 days.

If you already have an account on, you can apply through you Dashboard by visiting the 'Committee Memberships' tab and clicking the 'Apply to Another Committee' button.

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The Committee and each subcommittee are structured to have a chair, vice-chair, and secretary. All chairs are required to be members of the main consensus body (Z136 SDC). Subcommittee chairs appoint their own vice-chair and secretary. Members who are interested in leadership should ideally have experience actively serving on the Committee and/or its subcommittees. Past experience as an officer (chair, vice-chair, secretary) of a subcommittee of other standards developing organizations is also beneficial. Speak to your Z136 subcommittee's current chair and reach out to the Z136 ADCOM if you have an interest in leadership.