Now Open: Z136.4 Ballot and Z136.1 Invitation to Join CBBG

Submitted by User 48 on

BALLOT: Z136.4 Recommended Practice for Laser Safety Measurements for Hazard Evaluation

The ballot to approve/disapprove the Z136.4 Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) opened to members of the established balloting group. Instructions were sent via eBallot.

INVITATION TO BALLOT: Z136.1 Safe Use of Lasers

Concurrently, the balloting group for the Z136.1 CDV will be established via invitation this month. The invitation was sent today to all active voting members of ASC Z136 via eBallot.

Both the ballot and invitation will be open between Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 9:00 am EDT and Friday, May 29, 2020 at 5:00 pm EDT. If you are a member of the balloting group for Z136.4 or an active voting member of ASC Z136 and believe you did not receive your instructions from eBallot, please contact Liliana Caldero (


Ballot Notice